The warm embrace, a hug that says “my heart loves you” is one of the most amazing feelings in life. It is the full embodiment of feeling love for someone, to hold their heart next to yours. And that hug greeted me at the airport as we embarked on our trip to the magical land of Sedona. For the next 6 days we were exploring new places together, 3 women who love each other deeply, who respect each other immensely and who don’t get to connect physically often. That increase in happiness was felt immediately, with that first hug.
Through our trip we connected with each other on multiple levels. We connected physically through hugging. We connected emotionally through sharing and deep conversation. We connected spiritually through shared healings and experiences. We connected mentally through discussion and laughter. We connected environmentally by sharing the experience of hiking trails, walks about town, energetic fields, creeks and streams and peaceful spiritual spots. We connected with each other and with our selves. We connected with the earth and with the sky. We connected.
Life is about connection. Whether we are connecting with others or ourselves, we are connecting. This is one of the keys to true happiness. Based on scientific research, “the single most important thing we can do for our happiness is connect with others. ” This is from an article by Nataly Kogan. Although I completely agree, I also see that connection to self, to spirit, to nature, and to others as keys to happiness.
As we hiked multiple trails in Sedona, there was so much and yet so little. There was beauty surrounding us to take note of, to capture in photos and to learn about. There were steps to watch and ground to be aware of as we walked at times in silence. There were things to learn about the soil, vegetation, rocks that added to the experience and the enlightenment. There was energy to feel, to see in the twists in the trees. Yet, it was just us and environment. There were really no distractions, and we were alone with our thoughts as well as each other. We each had different revelations at different times, and the shared experience brought us closer together. Our connection of love and family grew. Our connection to ourselves grew. We healed, grew and expanded.
Connection allows us to express ourselves, to be vulnerable, to enjoy each other. Connection allows for interaction and love exchanged. Connection allows us to learn. Whether the connection be with family taking a trip or 3 friends who haven’t connected in 5 years share a glass of wine; connection is the essence of happiness.
The power of connection is apparent with people. The connection to earth, self, and spirit are also necessary and create power for all of us. The connection to earth helps us create the power of calm, of grounding. The connection to self helps us create the power of awareness and of love. The connection to spirit allows us to create the power of kindness, gratitude and faith. Faith in something bigger than us. Faith that all works to a highest good.
The power of connection helped me to get back to me; to remind me of my worthiness and my impact in this world. Let the power of connection help you return to your happiest and best version.