The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day in the United States. It is a day when mom’s everywhere are spoiled, pampered, left alone, given the time to do whatever they want, etc. It is a day to celebrate the women who birthed us, raised us and loved us. We celebrate moms, step-moms, aunts, grandmothers, foster moms, fur moms, dads who are moms, etc. In the end, I think celebrating women in general is spot on. We all have mothered in some way.
I never gave birth or raised any child. I have loved my nieces and nephews from the moment they were born and would step in as a mom if ever needed. I have loved step-sons who mean the world to me. I have loved friends children who have treated me as an Aunt and who I treat as blood. I have loved fur-babies who are part of my family. Right now, my kitty Lucy is sitting behind me on the same chair as I type, with one paw touching me so we know we are there.
Women are the nurturers of the world. We are the love, compassion, and heart of this world. Women are the powerful force that birth people, ideas, and love. We are the power. We stand in the power of our mothers, grandmothers, step-mothers, Aunts, friends and each other! We are the world.
I choose to honor all of the women who have loved me, held me, gave it to me straight and have reminded me who I am and my power. I honor my mom, aunts, grandmothers, friends moms, friends, teachers, mentors, coaches and leaders who have stood beside me at my best and held me at my worst.
This week, I shared my story of considering ending my life. I shared it in a space of love and compassion with women who held me through it. I also shared how I moved from that desperate place, where I felt unloved because I had completely lost the connection to me. I had completely lost the connection to that beautiful pure soul that I am. Reconnecting with that soul, reparenting my little girl so she heard what she needed to hear and not what had been said to her, and releasing judgment around myself has moved me to becoming a different person. A person I love. A person I admire. A person who I know has wisdom to be shared, lived experience to be shared and so much fucking love to share.
As we honor our mom’s and those in our life who we love as mom’s, please honor yourself as a woman. As the love and compassion of this world. Honor who you are. Honor your heart. Honor those around you.
Know that you are loved and worthy because you are here. Woman’s day, I honor each of you! xoxo