A New Day

This is the dawn of a new day, the sun is rising. It is time to start anew. What a beautiful life we lead, we can create it every day. We can be just a bit better than we were the day before. We can take one, even very small, step toward what we want and what we crave. We can release yesterday and all of the transgressions we may have made. We can release all of the transgressions that others may have made. We get to start over but from a new starting place. We have knowledge today that we didn’t have when yesterday began, and we get more knowledge tomorrow. Our new starting place has all of the wisdom of the past and all of the hope for the future.

A sunrise always holds so much hope for me. It reminds me that no matter what happened yesterday, I get to make up for it today. I get to build on it today. I get to move one step closer to a goal today. That goal could be a professional goal, a personal development goal, a life goal. It can be to get a new job, or a promotion. It could be your goal for retirement and what chapter 2 looks like. It could be to raise your energy and approach the world from a positive mindset. It could be to walk more softly upon this world.  It doesn’t matter, just know that each day you are given an opportunity to take a step toward that goal. And a step could be to form the goal. A step could be anything that gets you unstuck.

It also reminds us of just how fragile a day is and not to squander it filled with anger, remorse, or hurt. Unless that is what is needed today, to wallow in our own pity. Then it is not squandering as we are being mindful about what our head, heart and body need. The sunrise always allows us to be mindful, present and in the moment. No worries and no anxiety, just a deep breath into a new day.

Wash away the self doubts in the rays as they break through the horizon. Breath the morning air deeply into your body so that you feel it to your toes, waking up all of your senses. Remind yourself how blessed you are to have this new day filled with hope and love. Be grateful for the next 24 hours, and treat them as the gift of life that they are. This is a way to honor each day, and to honor your life well lived.

A new day. Fill it with love, hope, and gratitude. Namaste.

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