We all go through changes, a metamorphosis, and create our life. 

I hope my journey, which is about my continuous changes AND LEARnings and getting closer to who I was meant to become, will inspire healing, growth, change, and most of all self love. We so deserve it.

Loss brings up all kinds of feelings and thoughts. Grief, the aftermath of loss, allows us to feel all those feelings and pull apart all those thoughts. There is always that wonderment, what if I knew that was the last time I talked to you, would I have said anything different? Have I said what […]

Be Present

January 28, 2023

One of my earliest memories was as an almost 5 year old little girl going to the hospital for surgery. I had a break in my stomach wall that my diaphragm was attempting to move through and needed to have it fixed surgically. My parents brought me to Albert Einstein Hospital in the Bronx for […]

A Walk Down Memory Lane…

January 18, 2023