By The Light of The Harvest Moon….

This week brought us a full harvest moon, a lunar eclipse during that full moon and the Fall Equinox! That’s a trifecta in reflection time. The full moon each month is the perfect time to reflect on the seeds planted, the desires that are being worked toward and what may be getting in the way of making those things a reality. Often we look at the physical things and the external forces that we believe get in our way; time, distance, other people’s desires, believed obligations. We tend to over look the internal things getting in our way; expectations, doubts, assumptions, stories.

Full moon is the time in the lunar cycles to really consider those seeds that have been planted and what is getting in the way of harvesting them. What is sucking up energy so we can’t bring things to fruition, or they are just hard to bring to fruition. We feel the effort, like we are trudging uphill through mud. This cycle hits with the equinox, a way to begin to really go within, allowing for another layer of healing and quantum growth.

I took a moonlit stroll and allowed myself to bathe in the full moon’s glow. I stood strong with the light streaming over me and allowed myself to release anything that needed to go.

This full moon was in Pisces and was very watery. I found that I cried a lot during this time, whether it was tears during a TV show, a commercial, or my own tears about my own pain, they came much more than they have been. I also felt the presence of my mom during this time. Given my birthday fell during the full moon energy, her spirit was all around me. Since this is a watery moon, one of the suggestions to really help release emotions on a cellular level was to take an epsom salt bath; one of my favorite things to do!

I moved in January and this was the first bath I was actually going to take in my new apartment. The house I sold had a big soaking tub for two in the master bath, I was very used to that. I poured lavender epsom salt into the hot bath water, lit a few candles, lowered the lights and climbed into the bath. I began to laugh uncontrollably. The woman who was so comfortable in the big soaking tub, was now crammed in a standard tub that is really made for a child! The water can’t really cover your entire body as it would be too high and perhaps overflow! As I laughed, I could hear and feel my mom laughing with me. She lived with a standard tub like this her entire adulthood in the house I grew up in, and she took baths in it my entire life. She never complained, because she knew no different. And as I looked down at my own body, all I saw was my mom. I could see our bathroom in Fords, and me sitting on the closed toilet cover talking to her while she relaxed in the tub. It was a place she and I had many conversations.

As memories flooded me, I also started to hear some of what I needed to release. Some disappointment, some frustration. I realized I also needed to look at some things through a lens of love and compassion and not jealousy or envy or anger. I allowed tears to flow.

Once out of the tub and dried off, I spent some time journaling what I felt, what I released, what I wanted to re-energize, what I wanted to renew.

The last few months rocked me a bit more than I realized, I am only now feeling more myself and ready too move things forward in my life and my business. This full moon allowed me to let go of some heavy baggage. Giving your body and mind the time to reflect and let go is an important part of the manifestation and co-creation cycle. During this cycle and with this equinox, allow yourself that time to go within.

Reflect, Re-energize, and Renew…by the light of the harvest moon.

  1. Caroline DiDomenico says:

    That’s so funny about the bath tub!! I had actually taken a salt bath the other night as well, Thursday night! Hadn’t taken one in a long time, and it was so beneficial!
    love you!

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