Here we go…

I just finished my 2015 vision board and map! I am really excited about my focus for the year. I’m excited for my journey to continue; to guide me to my purpose.

2014 was the first year I actually created anything even remotely resembling a vision board or map for the year. I thoroughly enjoyed finding sayings and clippings from everywhere, magazines, newspapers, cards, craft objects. I filled that board with positive affirmations and love.  I guess as I think about that, hearts and love were my focus in 2014. I was focused on self- love, positive self- talk and beginning to open my heart.

I didn’t go about creating last year’s board with a lot of organization or planning. When it was done it had a definite theme. I never really thought about how to go about accomplishing anything to get to some of that vision though.  I just thought about how I wanted to feel. I never thought who my support system was or was not. Were there people in my life who I love and love me, but they aren’t really supportive of my growth and heeling. Maybe I shouldn’t share with them? I never thought about tools other than affirmations. I never thought about big bold moves. I never thought about hearts desires.

I was working with my life coach so I had some influence which was great, as I had never created this before. I don’t consider myself very creative from an artistic standpoint. So to create this board was a little intimidating and even overcoming that fear was worth this.

In 2015, I decided I wanted to take this to another level. I saw what some focus could do to change my mindset and help me find some genuine happiness. I wanted more of it. I wanted it on steroids! In walks Gina, my coach and a group of individuals at a retreat who impacted me greatly. And I got focused.

I had an outline of what I wanted for me for the year. I had some thoughts as to what I wanted to release and heel and what I wanted to exploit. This day long retreat helped me to synthesize my thoughts down to the major focus areas for year. It also forced me to think about what I needed to release that no longer served me. Lastly it helped me really think about who was there to support me and what big bold moves did I need to make.

Figuring out what needs to be released is tough when you believe you have already heeled so much. Actually releasing it and letting it go is excruciating. There are some wounds that are deeper than others. There are some you fool yourself into believing you easily got over. Only to realize that you worked so hard to not feel it, therefore you couldn’t heel it.  One of my deepest wounds that continue to need care and release is around my self-talk. I spent last year really retraining my brain and it continues into this year. However, I must care for that. I pay attention and am very deliberate.  That behavior is one I will always need to keep in check. I can easily fall back into a pattern of beating myself up, judging myself and blaming myself.

When we think about what we are releasing, it could be patterns of behavior, our relationship with things, people, food, just about anything.  Whatever it is we need to release is blocking our ability to move forward, to forge new paths, to find new loves, to be who we are meant to be. And each wound molds you into the person you are supposed to become.

In creating my mantra for this year through this process I needed it to focus on releasing old so that I could make room for new. I know this year there is a lot of “new” for me.

My mantra for 2015 is “I surrender past patterns and open myself to receive.”  My big bold moves, the blocks I need to release all connect to this mantra. I am ridding myself of shackles that have kept me looking backwards instead of forward.

I surrender.  Here we go.


  1. Michele Ansbacher says:

    I read each square of the vision board. You are courageous. I was thinking about the honesty and hard work that this journey takes. I am learning by watching you go through this process…thanks for being brave enough to do it. Humor me…I was hoping my name was in the tribe. Even if it your sister in law, just lie!

  2. Susan says:

    You are brave and fabulous! I can’t wait to see the “power of you” fully realized. Watch out world!

  3. Melissa says:

    You will succeed!! No doubt about it.

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