The back of the Volkswagen Golf was a bit warm, as the temperature sored to 100degrees. The traffic had been slow, there was plenty of time to make the plane. The Lyft driver chatted about the business he was starting, a pick and delivery cobbler, a shoemaker. A lost art in many places, in fact do millennials even know the word “cobbler.” The chatting waned as the traffic became heavier, my mind began to wander.
What a weekend! Not a rip roaring, non-stop, eating, show, frenzy but a deep, loving, emotional and learning calmness. I began to reflect on the last 72 hours, from walking Michigan Avenue and attending my first baseball game in Wrigley field to the “Women and Children Book store” where I found many books to purchase, taking pictures of them so I can order once home. Who wants to schlep more books home from Chicago on a plane!
It had been two years since we were together in magical Santa Fe, New Mexico. Our writer’s retreat brought us together, our connection was instantaneous. Mary and I sat together the first night at dinner and realized quickly that there was a reason we were there together. Kismet, no explanation needed, just kismet. Debbie and I met a few years earlier in Italy and reconnected in Santa Fe. By the end of the week, the three of us were together most of the time, enjoying stories and getting to know each other deeply. Our time together was filled with laughter, tears, incredible sacred places and poignant stories that held us captive. We were bonded.
Since then we had discussed getting together, with Mary being the persistent one, really pushing us to get together. She suggested Chicago, at her daughter’s very large and beautiful home on the Northside, within walking distance of Wrigley Field. There were 5 of us trying to coordinate schedules, which proved as hard as it sounds. In the end 3 of us could match dates and commit. I was excited at the get-go, I was going to be with two women for 72 hours who I knew cared about me, didn’t judge me, had shared experiences and loved each other with no agenda. Two I hadn’t spent a lot of time with, or enough time with, and was so looking forward to the opportunity.
One of the beauties of life is having different groups of girlfriends to experience different life experiences with and share something special.
The weekend began with me going to Wrigley field to see a Cubs game, alone. It was psyched. I had never been to Wrigley and being one of two original stadiums of the original major league, I actually had goosebumps at the thought. The night proved to be everything I had hoped, well except the meeting of my soul mate, I thought that could happen! I guess I think that with everywhere I go. I digress!
The game wasn’t particularly exciting, the Cubs didn’t play well, but the stadium and neighborhood was where my interest lay anyway. The buildings across the street from the stadium are converted 4 level homes that house bars, food and bleacher seats on the roof top. For one price, I assume less than the actual game but who knows, you get food, drink and a birdseye view of the game!
I met my friends the next day. We walked around Wrigleyville and Andersonville, Lakeview and Navy Pier, Ogden slip and took a cruise on the Chicago river to learn about the architecture of Chicago. We saw a number of the 77 neighborhoods that are distinct and dot the city. We ate. We drank a little. We took the Ferris Wheel ride which soars at 198 feet above the crowd and allows you views of the city and the expanse of Lake Michigan. We walked over 18000 steps on Saturday alone.
All through this we talked, laughed, solved each other’s issues, talked about the next chapter, cried and allowed all emotions to shine through. It was healing. It was fun. It was exactly what was needed for each of us at different crossroads in our lives.
As we walked through the book store on that last day, I thought about how blessed I was to have these women in my life. The love I felt, the lack of judgement, the encouragement and knowing that I can reliy on that love whenever I needed it. It adds a richness to an already grateful life, it adds love to an already love-filled life.
As I got out of the car at the airport and wished Luis, the cobbler, well, I smiled. My girls weekend was exactly what the doctor ordered; relaxing, introspective, fun and filled with love and joy.
We are bonded.
Thanks for rubbing it in!