Memorial Day weekend! The unofficial beginning of summer is upon us. The moment when white pants are now acceptable and socks are an afterthought. The moment when shorts are seen are more than just “that guy who wears the all winter” and baseball is in full swing. The weekend when everyone wants to be outside, grilling, chilling and enjoying those around them.
It is also a time when we move from all the seeds that were planted in spring to finding the fruits of our labor.
The plants are beginning to flower. The greenery is filling in. For many of us, the ideas and beginnings we had over the last few months are taking hold. We are seeing some of what we worked for come to fruition.
This is the perfect time to review our intentions and vision we had for the year and assess where we are. It may mean adjusting some of our timing, some of our path. Things change as a year moves along and perhaps something we thought would be important to us and our growth has shifted. As the seasons change, we have the opportunity to change our hopes and dreams, or the path we thought we would take to get there. Very often the path changes, and this is a great time to make those adjustments, just like the plants that are taking hold and adjusting to the soil, to the sun, perhaps needing a different spot to truly bloom.
Very often people become stuck in how they wanted to do something, the timing and the path becoming their only way. In being stuck there, they can miss out on all the ways the universe is trying to help them, all the alternatives that may truly be better. Part of my vision for this year was to see my business soar, more new clients and more ways to impact the world. So far this year, I have had new opportunities and clients and figured that was it. I was offered an opportunity to broaden my role with a company I work with, and I ultimately decided it wasn’t for me. It was too constricting to what I wanted this year in totality, not just in my business. Although this opportunity would have helped me soar more in my business, I realized it was about soaring to more money and not to what I love to do. And in that moment, I redefined what “soaring to new heights in my business” really meant for me. My seeds that I planted are less about money and more about impact and that is what I want. I want to broaden my impact and find ways to really help more people, not just make more money. At that moment I knew that the Universe had a different plan for me and my business and this opened me up to more than money.
That reflection is what I needed to redefine my intentions for this year, or perhaps refine is a better word. I have some friends who focus on very specific goals and that works for them. For me, it narrows my opportunity and doesn’t allow for me to be open to new ideas, new ways of doing things, new definitions, etc. For me, I am best with intentions and allowing the universe to guide me forward.
As we move into the new season of summer, it is the perfect time to really think about the question I ask in the beginning of any year, “how do I want to feel at the end of the year?” Right now we are in the moment when we can adjust and redefine that feeling and perhaps some of the ways to get to that feeling. We can assess what we have learned so far in the year and what adjustments have we already made to grow and develop. What have we learned so far this year that can help us move even further along our path? What lessons have already helped you to shift this year so that you can feel the way you want to feel?
For me there are a few. I wanted to feel better physically this year, continuing on a path of wellness. I have lost weight, I eat fewer animal products and now I am much more plant based and have had numerous wellness checks that I had been putting off. I am definitely stronger due to yoga and pilates as well as my other workouts and I feel less fragile than any other year. I am continuing to define what food helps me and what doesn’t along with what exercise I truly enjoy and like the feeling in my body and what seems to be harder on my joints than before. This has been a big shift for me, to truly listen to what my body is telling me.
I have focused on shifting my reaction to some of the people around me that I knew I was judging. I began to look at those judgements from myself, understanding why I thought it was okay to judge so I can learn what I was now judging about myself. This shift has helped me to love me more and in turn love others more. This self-love has been the greatest shift of my life over the last 11 years and as I realize today, one that will always be worked.
I am open to finding love again and have tried the current way through online websites. Although I have not even begun to explore this, I remain open. I am also looking at other ways of meeting people, through activities that I love. I know my most meaningful impactful love is out there. I no longer poo-poo the idea of finding love again. I no longer am jealous of what others seem to find and is elusive for me. This me is ready.
I continue to adjust me and what I want in life. That is what a new season is all about for me, shedding what was necessary in the last season and a rebirth of what I want in life.
Spring into summer. A time for blue skies and sunshine on your face. A time for new ideas and reaping the fruits of all you have done up to now. Allow for the changes that come with the new season; allow for your path to be guided instead of always thinking you have the answers.