“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” ~ Unknown
This quote completely resonated with me last night. I am always working on creating the better version of me, through discovery, through learning from mistakes, through observing those who inspire me. I used to only ask “what’s wrong with me?” “What do I have to fix?”
In business, we spend a lot of time focused on fixing leaders and their flaws. We put people through assessments to better understand their personality and how that shows up at work. We ask for feedback to understand how others are experiencing a leader. It tends to focus on who you are now so we can understand who you need to be to be more effective.
Very often you cannot really change someone dramatically since they are hard wired a certain way. We can all tweak our reactions to situations and we can all modulate so that we show up a little differently, but really changing comes with a lot of work and understanding of the wounds that are deep that we have not healed that may be affecting our behavior. Most don’t really want to go there. Many people put those wounds in a closet to never open the door again!
Reading this quote put this entire philosophy on it’s side. Instead of trying to figure out what is about you that is holding you back, is it really more about your own thoughts of what you are deficient in, or who you are not?
I spent some time last night really thinking about who I thought I was not (that really is a mouthful and sounds as if it is poor English, but I’m going with it!). I spent some time focused on what is holding me back from continuing to evolve and being the best version of me based upon this quote.
Here is what I came up with.
Through some of the work I am doing now, I am realizing that there is no answer to these questions. I have this standard in my head that I cannot really articulate that says I am less than others. This is the standard that needs to be released. This is the negative energy that keeps me from being my best version of me. This is what is holding me back, thinking I am not good enough. This is where all my work is culminating, changing the story I tell myself, changing the reaction to situations and finally thinking….I am more than good enough!
You are enough….and amazing!!!
Mary Anne
you are enough, remember that!