I awoke Tuesday morning excited for the day. I was off from work for a week, the weather report was for sunshine through the weekend and I was going to spend the day with my 90 year old mom and aunt.
As I was preparing for the day, the date hit me. Bowled me over to be exact. The sound of September 1st caused a lump in my throat and a tear to slide down my cheek. I stood in my bedroom and quietly cried for a moment. Memories flashed through my brain like a slides how of the day some 30 years prior.
Why would it hit me harder than usual? Is it the marker of 30 years that hit so hard it felt like a sucker punch to my belly? What was bringing up so much emotion?
Today marked what would have been my 30th anniversary with my first husband. I remember the day oh so well. White puffy clouds in a deep blue sky. The sun shining brightly. A day filled with love and a few jitters. My nephew refusing to walk down the aisle without the real rings, which we safety pinned on the pillow to make him happy. My niece wondering if she would ever see me again now that I wouldn’t be at Mommom and Grandpa’s house. Two hundred people who loved us and wanted the best for us enjoying a wonderful day. It was the beginning of a new life, our life side by side. My life was supposed to be that of a couple. Someone who I thought would always have my back. A path was started that I thought I knew, that was predictable. I had been planning it since I fell in love with Craig as a naive 16 year old.
Thirty years later I couldn’t have been more wrong. Please understand I am not lamenting over the man. I do not miss him or wish we had stayed together, that train left a long time ago. We were very passionate as a couple, passionately in love and in hate. We didn’t communicate well and had so much baggage just walking into our marriage. I do believe though that my sadness was more about lamenting the path, the life I thought I was going to have.
My life and me as a person is certainly different than I had planned some 30 years ago. Good or bad, don’t know. But certainly different.
Although I can say I loved Craig, I really loved the idea of marriage. I loved the idea of having someone by my side, I didn’t have to go it alone. I knew him well and our upbringing was similar, giving us morals and values that were similar. He was my first real love. In losing that love I felt true heartbreak. Putting the pieces back together was very difficult and I thought I could never do that again. But then there is life! Life pulls thing apart to give you an opportunity to put it back together differently, and evolve. I have felt that heartbreak numerous times now and know I can survive it and ultimately learn and thrive from it.
I started to focus on what is different today both in my life and me. Here is what I have cone up with so far!
Thirty years has come and gone. I am different and I am sure Craig is as well. I look back with a smile and a tear. It was beautiful then and it has led me here; where I am finally comfortable in my skin being the best version of me I can be. Thank you for the memory and the journey….to another thirty and another evolution!
Love you!! You are so strong!