Most of us don’t like to slow down. Most of us like to stay busy. In fact “bus-y-ness” is the demise of many and a cultural phenomenon. We equate being busy with being productive, very often it is done to avoid something, perhaps emotions. I have written, in the past, sharing how emotions may manifest stuff (yes, technical term) in the body. When my ankle blew up in Chicago, my body was saying “slow down, you are not being flexible on something.” As I I thought about that. some different emotions and feelings I had stuffed away came up. I get it when it is a natural change or illness.
An accident? No, nothing to learn except to be more careful. Watch the ice Suzy!! The universe didn’t put that ice there for a reason. Or did it?
Could I need to slow down? Not sure, but there is something nice happening as I sleep a little later and take my time a bit more. The left side of my body being feminine, and some struggles of late associated more with women than men. Lack of flexibility probably showing up here as well. As I ponder some of this, I also know there are some fears being highlighted right now. My fear of being alone, of nobody caring as they have their own people and lives; I have nobody. This fear is front and center.
This fear, of being alone, follows me and is one of my greatest sources of regret, hurt, and whininess! It is one I need to release and not carry it into 2020!
I have learned a few things since Friday. I learned that slowing down isn’t a bad thing. Taking it easy and not running everywhere feels good. I learned that people do show up for you. I learned that those close to me know how difficult it is for me to as for help, and are letting me know that. They are right there, making sure I have what I need, and reminding me they will just do. And I’ve learned that two hands are definitely better than one, but one can do a lot!