God Winks

I believe we have all had it happen; we notice we have been thinking about someone when they call us. Or we call someone and they tell us they have been thinking about us. Most of us think that is just a coincidence. But is it?

Three times in just 48 hours this has occurred with me. I was driving home from my office in Connecticut and was realizing that I hadn’t heard from a friend since the day prior. This is someone who I probably text with just about every day. It is rare that we go more than 24 hours without some random thought back and forth. Usually very random, but contact none the less. A few minutes after I had that thought I heard the all too familiar ding of a text message being received. I looked at my phone and it was a random picture and comment from this particular friend. I just laughed. Once again, think about someone and *bam* there they are! I decided to call a friend I had not spoken with in a while and she answered! She said she was just thinking about me! Then I started thinking about someone who I hadn’t spoken with in 2 months and I received a text! From her! Three times in 48 hours that occurred.

I read a book many years ago, “When God Winks,” by SQuire Rushnell.   It was truly a collection of stories about what most would think might have been coincidences, but explained as God’s way of helping you along your path. The cover has the subtitle “How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life.” Some think you have guides, or angels helping. Any way that you describe though, the theory is that there is a force bigger than you that is guiding you to your purpose, down the path you are to travel as you learn life’s lessons and blessings along the way.

He writes in the forward, “Dear Reader: This book will validate your feelings that there’s more to coincidence than meets the eye. It also fosters hope for the dreams of your future by unveiling the wondrous map that has quietly guided you along the paths of your past. God has been winking at you.”(by the way, the Q in his name is supposed to be capitalized!)

Then he gives the following definitions:

Coincidence – A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

Wink – To give a signal or express a message.

God Wink – A personal signal or message, directly from a higher power, usually, but not always, in the form of a coincidence (he credits himself for this definition).

This book opened my eyes to the power of coincidence. I originally read it over 10 years ago, and it has stayed with me. I reread it at times, my copy is quite worn!

Once I surrendered to this, I opened myself to the lessons I was supposed to be learn, my journey. I began to think about my God Winks of the past. Choosing to live where I did, Freehold, in a new condo and finding someone who becomes a surrogate family who is by your side during the best and worst of times. That deciding to get my nails done when I separated from my first husband and meeting someone who became a sister. These are some of my God Winks of the past.

As I perused the book, I began to think more and more about the coincidences in my life. What lesson or blessing did that path give to me? Now I think a lot about God Winks. I know that events in my life are part of a bigger plan. “There is no way this is just a coincidence,” goes through my head a lot.

God Winks.

  1. Melissa Coy says:

    Love this post!!!

    So very true

    Melissa A. Coy, CPA
    Redmond, Coy & Associate, PLC
    7025 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 305
    Scottsdale, Arizona 85253

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