Meditation - A Path to Your Purest Self

4 weeks to create a practice that will bring you back to your purest self, the You before all the conditioning took over!

The tool that changed my life! Meditation helped me see patterns of behavior and change the lens I look at life through... no longer focused on fear and lack, I now see life through a lens of love and abundance. You can too! Over 4 weeks beginning May 15th, we will spend time learning about the benefits of meditation, how to build a sustainable practice, other ways to build the muscle of giving your nervous system the love it deserves and receive your personal primordial sound mantra, the sound the universe made upon your birth! We will explore brain waves and the different levels of consciousness that are available to us as we awaken.

We will meet 3 times as a group and 1 time one on one.

Session 1 - Why Meditation - history and benefits.

Session 2- One-on-one receiving your Primordial Sound Mantra and learning to use it.

Session 3- Creating a Sustainable Meditation Practice.

Session 4- Different Levels of Consciousness, ways to give your system love.


We begin May 15th at 5:30 pm EDT! 



"Suzy broke down barriers by creating a safe learning environment. She revealed the process in bit sized pieces; making it practical & easy to replicate. Suzy "demystified" this ancient practice; made it relevant & applicable in our hectic, stressed lives.
She shares the steps through examples that makes easy to incorporate into daily life.

My results are notable; the meditation has helped rewrite "old tapes" in my head. Suzy explained the gap, brought us there; when I experienced it I felt a quiet mind & a peaceful, blissful surge. Don’t hesitate signing up for her next meditation class; you will be glad you had the help and support to take the journey. She brings her real world experience & skills & cares about each class participant’s experience."

— Michele A

"Suzy is a great teacher and makes this meditation very accessible and realistic. She makes it easy to understand and practice. This meditation has helped me reset and gain calm during several difficult times, and I am grateful for it. Suzy is very reachable for questions and the sessions with her are amazing! "

— Heather B.

"Suzy is a great teacher and makes this meditation very accessible and realistic. She makes it easy to understand and practice. This meditation has helped me reset and gain calm during several difficult times, and I am grateful for it. Suzy is very reachable for questions and the sessions with her are amazing! "

— Heather B.

"Suzy helped me with getting clear on what I desired to be, every day, every moment. Suzy helped me be clear about how I wanted to show up in the world for the world around me and for myself."

— Roseann A.

"I felt her Reiki energy work from many states away!  It was amazing!  I continued to feel the effects for days afterward and it truly was a body and mind changing event for me.  Suzy Domenick is extremely intuitive and compassionate. "

— Chris D.

"Suzy's holistic approach has provided me with a deeper understanding of my behaviors and equipped me with the necessary tools to successfully handle those situations in many different areas of my life."

— Alison F.