
My blog, The Morning Butterfly, is my personal healing Journey. Through my experience, I share what I call the cha cha of life, and hope that it inspires others to dig deep and heal their wounds, allowing them to soar!


By Suzy Domenick | Nov 14, 2015 |

Heartbroken. How can an attack like this or these occur? Sad and frightened. Is it safe to go anywhere anymore? Today is such a sad day for the world, for humanity. Before yesterday I was realizing that I was becoming less and less comfortable out at venues with large numbers of people. I was always…

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By Suzy Domenick | Nov 9, 2015 |

You should be your best friend. It took me a very long time to truly understand that I needed to love me, accept me and even celebrate me if I really wanted someone else to love me, accept me and celebrate me. Love is something that has eluded me. I mean love without expecting anything…

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An angry heart…

By Suzy Domenick | Oct 31, 2015 |

I have a very good friend I am watching go through the final throws of a divorce. A new perspective for me as I am watching through the eyes of the person who left instead of the person who became the victim. I am thinking about my behavior during my divorce almost 5 years ago.…

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Reverse kryptonite

By Suzy Domenick | Oct 24, 2015 |

Whenever in doubt, Suzy, claim it all—the good, the bad and the ugly—and your power will be restored…Like reverse kryptonite.                         The Universe   I receive an email each day from The Universe. It is a service that a friend of mine told me about. It gives encouragement, big things to think about and most…

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The Dance…

By Suzy Domenick | Oct 18, 2015 |

I have begun to realize that life truly is a cha-cha! You take some steps forward, one back and forward again. It’s just going to have ups and downs so I now try to think of it as a dance. Many years ago I found the book “The Dance of Anger,” by Harriet Lerner. The…

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By Suzy Domenick | Oct 10, 2015 |

“People wonder why I give so many compliments out to strangers. I’m not being fake and I’m not looking for people to like me. But if I pass someone & I like something, I say it. “Love those shoes!” or “Great hair!” or “Wow your eyes are beautiful!”…why? Because life is hard & this world…

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Feed your soul…

By Suzy Domenick | Oct 3, 2015 |

I had the opportunity to hear Dylan McDermott speak the other night at the board meeting for McCarter Theatre in Princeton. McCarter is one of the three best regional theatres in the country. When we have had stars in the past cast in our plays, they very often visit with the board for a 15…

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My Relationship with me!

By Suzy Domenick | Sep 27, 2015 |

Relationships! Oh boy! Some are beautiful. Some are painful. All are complicated. Think about the relationships in your life. They all have an impact on us. Any relationship can impact our focus, our mood, our actions, our behaviors and our feelings. Most of us experience positive initial relationships in our lives through our parents, siblings…

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