
My blog, The Morning Butterfly, is my personal healing Journey. Through my experience, I share what I call the cha cha of life, and hope that it inspires others to dig deep and heal their wounds, allowing them to soar!

Ebb and Flow

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 25, 2021 |

Like water, life has its ebbs and its flows. It moves and at times can be still. It shakes us like a storm, with an angry wind and a forceful wave, pushing us to where it wants us. It calms us with serenity and a soft breeze allowing us to rest and catch our breath.…

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By Suzy Domenick | Apr 18, 2021 |

Emotions. Simmering just below the surface. That low boil of stuff we cannot really put our finger on and maybe, just maybe, are afraid that if we let it come out of the shadows it will engulf us. Not sure if it is sadness, anger, denial, self-pity, rage, perhaps it is a combination of it…

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Book of Regrets

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 11, 2021 |

What if you made a different decision about something a few years back, or many years back? What would be different in your life? Would that decision have changed the course of your life so that you were happier? These questions were the basis of the book, The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig. The book…

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By Suzy Domenick | Apr 4, 2021 |

This year we have a convergence of holidays. As we vault ourselves into spring, we celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ’s soul at the same time as the last night of Passover, the exodus out of slavery for Jews. This year we converge as well with Holi, the Hindu holiday celebrating the end of winter,…

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Just Communicate Better?

By Suzy Domenick | Mar 28, 2021 |

“I think it call comes down to better communication. People need to be better at speaking up, saying what they mean and thinking about how they say it,” said the college sophomore to the rest of the group of student leaders. A true statement, indeed. She continued with her thoughts around energy and vibes that…

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Spring Equinox

By Suzy Domenick | Mar 21, 2021 |

Renew. Rebirth. The spring equinox is all about this. We planted seeds during the long winter. We reassessed what we want to grow and now comes our birth of our ideas, our changes, our renewed focus. This is the perfect time to look at what we set out to do in the beginning of the…

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Plant the Seeds…

By Suzy Domenick | Mar 15, 2021 |

The sun is beginning to warm, higher in the sky. The days are lengthening. The birds are singing their songs more readily. Spring is in the air, newness is beginning to take hold. This is the time to plant seeds and germinate to grow flowers, vegetables and plants through the summer and fall. It is…

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Plant the Seeds…

By Suzy Domenick | Mar 14, 2021 |

The sun is beginning to warm, higher in the sky. The days are lengthening. The birds are singing their songs more readily. Spring is in the air, newness is beginning to take hold. This is the time to plant seeds and germinate to grow flowers, vegetables and plants through the summer and fall. It is…

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