
My blog, The Morning Butterfly, is my personal healing Journey. Through my experience, I share what I call the cha cha of life, and hope that it inspires others to dig deep and heal their wounds, allowing them to soar!

Another Lesson…..

By Suzy Domenick | May 24, 2015 |

Every so often a lesson reappears. Perhaps because you need to learn it again or perhaps to help you gain a deeper appreciation, but they do rear their ugly head again at times. For me it tends to come in times of stress, when I stop employing my best stress busters. I allow stress to…

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By Suzy Domenick | May 20, 2015 |

Suicide. Devastating to those who are left. Heart wrenching. And the questions. “Why?” “Couldn’t she snap out of it?” “He made money, why would he do this?” “How could you be that depressed?” All of those questions with no answers. Do we ever really know what is going on in people’s lives and minds? I…

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Dumpster as a Metaphor?

By Suzy Domenick | May 9, 2015 |

Do you ever look around your home and realize that you just have too much “stuff?” I recently did. I realized that there were broken items that hadn’t made it to the curb because I could not carry them alone. I realized there were old bikes and cabinets in the garage that needed to go. I…

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Do You Love Yourself?

By Suzy Domenick | May 1, 2015 |

I am in the process of cleaning out my two walk in closets in my bedroom so that I can convert them to one large very organized closet! Those who know me, are very aware that I have way too much clothes, shoes, scarves and handbags. I have over 15 bags of clothes to give away…

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Lucy’s Instincts…

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 25, 2015 |

I love my backyard, especially in the early morning.  The world is just starting to awaken, you can begin to hear birds chirping and squirrels hunting for food. You hear rustling in the leaves and know it is an animal looking for breakfast.  In the stillness of the morning, if I am lucky, I can…

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Creating space…

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 19, 2015 |

The ocean air, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the passing seagull’s hello, the sun warming my face, all a perfect way to start my day. The house was quiet. Steph was still sleeping and Don had been out since before sunrise birdwatching and snapping, I’m sure, incredible photos. As I sat…

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Reflection of 90 year olds….

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 12, 2015 |

My childhood was incredible! I lived on a cul-de-sac of 20 homes with a park at the butt of the circle. There were so many kids on this block ranging from 10 years older than me to 10 years younger! There was always someone to play with, to talk to and to occasionally fight with!…

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On this Blood Moon

By Suzy Domenick | Apr 4, 2015 |

  On this blood moon, we should all stay focused on our blessings, our goals and our intentions. Allow this energy to enter our bodies, and allow ourselves to be grateful. Blessings are a beautiful thing. They are a way to stay focused on all that is good in our lives. They are the fabric…

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