Up Up and Away….

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.” Jesse Jackson originated the quote, Muhammad Ali famously used it in his 2004 book.


This quote epitomizes what has occurred over the past few weeks and is now the main mantra for me,  as I move forward.   My mind must conceive and my heart must believe. Both have been struggling to move forward.  I needed a push. I got it.

I was in California 10 days ago for a wedding. My cousin, the intuitive healer, and I traveled out a few days before the wedding to enjoy some time together in wine country. My cousin is amazing, using her gifts to guide you to healing, unblock energy blocks and help you figure out where you need to focus, how to heal, how to move forward. She has helped me before and we both knew I needed a push now. I was so stuck in a place of negativity, where I wasn’t good enough for anything.

Not everyone believes what comes through with my healer, I do. She has a gift that is incredible to me. We were sitting in our room in the hotel, having our morning coffee and began a session to begin to unblock some things for me and release some past hurts so I can move forward. Through the session we uncovered how far back my view of “I’m not good enough,” truly goes, and had some visualizations to help me rid myself of these doubts. We learned about a past life, a soul meeting that should have been fixed in this lifetime that did not happen and a soul that is patiently waiting for me. During the session, my guides shared how I was amazing and needed to stop letting people, especially men, make me feel anything but.  One of the visualizations the guides gave was a hot air balloon with sandbags surrounding it to keep it grounded. They shared that as I shed the “self- doubt” I will release more than half of those sandbags and feel lighter. That visual stuck.

It was an emotional session and we were both a bit wiped out afterwards. We decided to head out of the hotel, get some fresh air and begin our journey around the vineyards. I wanted to go to a vineyard good friends have introduced me to so we set out along the Russian River Valley to find Hauck Vineyards.  When we happened upon the address, the name on the vineyard was different, De La Montana. It was a quaint tasting room, looking like a barn surrounded by vineyards and gardens, very welcoming. We decided to go in, perhaps the vineyard changed its name. We entered the empty tasting room and looked around. Nothing said Hauck. We called out for anyone in the building and finally a beautiful woman with long dark hair and exquisite skin and calming voice came walking into the room. She shared that they did not open for another 45 minutes. We asked about Hauck, it was down the lane, using this address and was by appointment only. She saw our disappointment and decided to open up early for us. The three of us were chatting as she was preparing for the tasting. Talking was so easy among the three of us it was as if we had known her for a long time already.

As we chatted we shared a bit about each of us. All of a sudden this women Michelle turns to me and tells me she needs to say something to me, that she has a message for me. She tells me that I need to know what an amazing person I am, that I cannot let others especially men continue to shatter my self image, I am incredible.  You can imagine my surprise. I immediately burst into tears and walked away. My intuitive cousin stood there with a huge smile on her face knowing that I just received some validation and confirmation from our morning session and that we were in the company of another intuitive and special human being. Michelle hugged me and it felt like some self-doubt was released just in that hug.

By the time the tasting was over, we had exchanged emails, shared a lot about ourselves, built a relationship and of course I bought wine!

We all hugged and Shari and I were on our way. Michelle hung in our minds and hearts the rest of the day.

Later in the day we visited another vineyard, Rodney Strong, a very popular and commercial vineyard with a building and property that fit its popularity.  As we looked around the tasting room at all they had to sell we saw the wine caddies. There were a few made of what appeared to wire like a bird cage. The first one we saw was a hot air balloon! Another validating moment in our journey. As we spoke to the gentleman who led our tasting, he knew a lot about where we were from, and also felt like the meeting was not happenstance.

The day was completely validating and reminded me that the universe does work to your greatest good and if you are open, shows you signs along the way that help guide you. This day pushed me to realize that I need to heal this self-doubt issue once and for all and that I need my mind to conceive and my heart to believe so I can move forward to achieve my purpose in life.

Over the past week I have had more and more confirmation of what I need to do, where I belong and what no longer serves me.  The time is now to grab hold of what the universe is giving me and catapult forward. There is no turning back, there is no stopping me.

My mind does conceive it and now I am working on my heart believing….and then I know  I will achieve.

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