
My blog, The Morning Butterfly, is my personal healing Journey. Through my experience, I share what I call the cha cha of life, and hope that it inspires others to dig deep and heal their wounds, allowing them to soar!

God Winks

By Suzy Domenick | Jul 27, 2015 |

I believe we have all had it happen; we notice we have been thinking about someone when they call us. Or we call someone and they tell us they have been thinking about us. Most of us think that is just a coincidence. But is it? Three times in just 48 hours this has occurred…

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One with Nature

By Suzy Domenick | Jul 20, 2015 |

I am so bummed. I thought I would be writing an amazing blog about this weekend. I was hoping I would be telling you how I broke through trust issues and finally trusted someone to have my back. I thought I would be sharing with you how great it felt to not be in control,…

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The Awakening…

By Suzy Domenick | Jul 11, 2015 |

“Courageous is the soul who looks deeper than the experience. What matters most is the awakening, not the experience itself.” ~Unknown   There have been times in my life when the awakening and learnings have been incredible. There have been times in my life when there didn’t feel like there was an awakening. There have…

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The Outside Looking In…

By Suzy Domenick | Jul 3, 2015 |

I continue to see this sentiment across social media, “Believe the actions,  not words. People make time for what is important to them.” This has resonated with me more recently.  I am doing the same thing that is bothering me. I am not making time for some things, saying no and staying home alone. There…

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By Suzy Domenick | Jun 28, 2015 |

Facing the truth is not always easy. In fact it rarely is easy if you have been lying to yourself or telling yourself a story for a long time. Sometimes the truth hurts so much that you fear it….fear the emotion attached to it. So what is truth? How do you know the truth? Some…

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Just Be…

By Suzy Domenick | Jun 20, 2015 |

“The only thing you ever have is now” Ekhart Tolle I remember the first time I heard about the “power of now,” I thought it was strange. Now is a moment in time but saying it is more important than planning for the future in order to have peace didn’t feel right.  I was taught…

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A Bend in the Road

By Suzy Domenick | Jun 10, 2015 |

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.” Helen Keller   She was a wise woman, Helen Keller.  Her enlightenment in the face of her own darkness reminds me that no matter what you are dealt, or deal with, you can make it through and make…

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Self Love Mantras…

By Suzy Domenick | Jun 2, 2015 |

This year marks what would have been my 10th wedding anniversary to my second husband and my 30th to my first!  There was a time not too long ago when I viewed these as just failures. “I am a failure at love” or “I have 2 failed marriages.” It has only been in the last…

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